Tenita C. Johnson Author, Publisher, Editor, Entrepreneur

Tenita Johnson  

Tenita C. Johnson

Author, Publisher, Editor, Entrpreneur


She never felt pretty enough. She was too short and too dark. At a dark season in her life, it wasn’t uncommon for her to refer to herself as ugly—she didn’t want to wait to hear it from someone else. Because no one told her that she mattered, she was worth the wait and she had great purpose in this life, she found herself in numerous identity crises—searching for love in all the wrong places.

For years, depression was Tenita Johnson’s choice garment.

Until she made a conscious choice to shake off depression and put on the garment of praise.

Born to a 14-year-old mother, and living in the home of a praying grandmother, Tenita always felt like something was missing. But it wasn’t until she matured into an adult that she realized although she had been baptized as a child and attended church regularly with her grandmother, God was the missing piece. She knew the God of her mother, the God of the church and the God of her grandmother—but she had to know Him for herself.

It was through life’s fires that she came to know Him up close and personal.

From losing a set of twins the day after she and her husband were married to years of unemployment, suicidal thoughts and blended family woes, she soon learned that the only way out of every fire is to go through it. After going through the fire numerous times and coming out unscathed, she realized that every fire was orchestrated by God to burn some things off of her to make her better. Not only that, every fire gave her a greater testimony to share with others who may be encountering the same things.

That’s when she knew it wasn’t all about her.

If she hadn’t have overcome depression and suicidal thoughts, she wouldn’t be able to help pull others out of darkness. If it wasn’t for the multiple miscarriages, she wouldn’t be able to minister to the women who feel their wombs are barren. Her unemployment gave new life to Philippians 4:19: And my God shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Through her books 100 Words of Encouragement: Tidbits of Inspiration and When the Smoke Clears: A Phoenix Rises, Tenita encourages readers nationwide that with every test comes a predetermined victory. The young girl who thought she wasn’t good enough has blossomed into a young woman who knows that with God, she is more than just enough. She makes a deliberate choice to live her best life now and walk in her God-given purpose daily. Tenita encourages others to do the same.